Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys Stations of the Cross Stations of the Cross Stations of the Cross Stations of the Cross Stations of the Cross Stations of the Cross Stations of the Cross Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule Fatima Prayer Cell Legion of Mary Pasta Dinner E-News Welcome to St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Legion of Mary New Day Bereavement Meeting New Day Bereavement Meeting New Day Bereavement Meeting New Day Bereavement Meeting Prayer Shawl/Rosary Making Prayer Shawl/Rosary Making Legion of Mary Ash Wednesday Mass Blood Drive Legion of Mary Cenacle Prayer Group New Day Bereavement Meeting Legion of Mary New Day Bereavement Meeting New Day Bereavement Meeting New Day Bereavement Meeting New Day Bereavement Meeting Blessing of the Throats Trip to France Information Meeting Support the 2025 Bishop’s Appeal Rosary Making/Prayer Shawl Solemnity of Mary Mass Schedule Solemnity of Mary Mass Solemnity of Mary Vigil Mass Legion of Mary Fatima Prayer Cell Legion of Mary First Saturday Rosary Women’s Sodality Meeting Legion of Mary St. Marguerite Feast Day Celebration Cenacle Prayer Group Legion of Mary St. Marguerite Feast Day Celebration Christmas Carols Legion of Mary