The Church and Chapel are open daily, 8 am – 5 pm, weather permitting.
The Chapel is open, daily 8 am – 5 pm.
The beautiful and exquisite Blessed Sacrament Chapel hosts daily Mass and Adoration. Situated on the eastern side of the church, the Chapel allowed daily Mass attendees to praise God with Morning Prayer, Monday through Friday, at 8:20 am followed by Mass at 8:30 am. The Chapel has become a popular site for prayer, where quite often a single visit is enough to prompt a desire to return and be near the Lord again. Confession is also available Monday through Friday, 8-8:20 am. Daily Eucharistic Adoration provides a wonderful opportunity for anyone to spend time in the Real Presence of our Lord.
Chapel Consecration
The chapel has undergone expansion to accommodate the growing numbers of daily Mass attendees. Renovations began August 2002 and were completed and consecrated on February 15, 2003 by Bishop William E. Lori.