
St. Marguerite has a valuable, dedicated group of volunteers, who selflessly share their God-given gifts and talents. We are grateful to all those who make St. Marguerite a beautiful and welcoming parish.

Adult Choir invites adults to learn more about their voice, meet new people, and make beautiful music for the Lord!

Altar Servers: Children, 4th grade and older, are invited to join this ministry to serve the Lord while assisting the priest during the Mass. Training is required.

Altar Society/Linen Care members clean and care for the altars and linens.

Cenacle Prayer Group meets once a month to pray the rosary and read from “To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons”, which contains messages which Fr. Stefano Gobbi reports that he received from Our Blessed Mother at the Chapel of Apparitions.

Fatima Prayer Cell meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 1:30 pm and prays the Rosary and has formation. They are a prayer cell of the World Apostolate of Fatima USA (

Food Pantry Collection for the Brookfield Food Pantry. Donations of nonperishable items may be left in the collection container in the narthex.

Garden Angels assist with the maintenance of our flower gardens.

Hospitality Committee is a dedicated core of volunteers who assist at most parish events with set-up.

Knitting for the Needy: Our knitting/crocheting group meets on Wednesdays at 9:30 am. Plenty of yarn is available for your use. If it is better for you, you can work on your projects at home. We will be knitting prayer shawls, and hats, mittens, and scarves for adults and children in need. Questions? Call Pat (203-775-9236). 

Knights of Columbus, Candlewood Lake Council #11913 is a fraternal and beneficent society of Catholic men from the parishes of St. Joseph’s (Brookfield) and St. Marguerite’s. They host an annual Red Cross Blood Drive and conduct other charitable works. For more information, visit

Ladies’ Sodality: To Jesus through Mary, the Sodality of St. Marguerite Bourgeoys is to live a spiritual and apostolic life within the parish community. The mission is to bring the life of faith to others through parish work while growing personally in a deeper relationship with Jesus and Mary through prayer, works of mercy and spiritual activities. Please click here for more information.

Parish Ambassadors consists of advisory committee representatives who meet periodically to discuss parish affairs.

St. Matthew Society consists of appointed volunteers who sort, count, and record weekly donations.


Join us for fun activities to share our faith!