12 events found.
After the Latin Mass.
Legion of Mary
In Room 1.
Knitting/Crocheting Group
In Room 7.
Biblical Walk Through the Mass
Join Fr. Shawn and Mary Ellen Tiernan on Thursday evenings beginning on September 9th at 6:30 pm in the hall as we study how each part of the Mass has Continue Reading →
Legion of Mary
In Room 1.
Fatima Prayer Group
In Room 8/9.
Knitting/Crocheting Group
In Room 7.
Blood Drive
The Knights of Columbus Candlewood Lake Council will hold a Blood Drive on October 29th in the Hall, 1:30-6:30 pm. Schedule your appointment to give blood at redcrossblood.org.
All Saints Day Mass
It is not a Holy Day of Obligation.
Legion of Mary
In Room 1.
Knitting/Crocheting Group
In Room 7.