12 events found.
Legion of Mary
In Room 7.
Cenacle Prayer Group
In Room 7.
Legion of Mary
In Room 7.
Annual St Marguerite and St. Joseph Family Picnic
At St. Joseph’s. There will great food, desserts, music, games, and more. Cost is $10/person; $25/immediate household; children under 5 are free. Tickets will be sold after Masses starting August Continue Reading →
Legion of Mary
In Room 7.
Low Mass on the Feast of St. Matthew
After the Low Mass, there will be a veneration of a first class relic of St. Matthew at the altar rail around 7:40 am.
Legion of Mary
In Room 7.
Fatima Prayer Cell
Room 1
Solemn High Michaelmas
Will be celebrated followed by Convivium in the Hall with Fr. Kloster’s Texas chili and a potluck supper.
Legion of Mary
In Room 7.