12 events found.
Cenacle Prayer Group
In Room 7.
Legion of Mary
In Room 7.
Bible Study on the Most Holy Eucharist
We will study how the Blessed Sacrament and the Mass are foreshadowed in the Old Testament and explicitly found in the New Testament. This is a 10-week study. We will Continue Reading →
Legion of Mary
In Room 7.
Bible Study on the Most Holy Eucharist
We will study how the Blessed Sacrament and the Mass are foreshadowed in the Old Testament and explicitly found in the New Testament. This is a 10-week study. We will Continue Reading →
Legion of Mary
In Room 7.
Fatima Prayer Cell
Room 1
Legion of Mary
In Room 7.
Sacred Heart Thursday
For Eucharistic Exposition, Adoration, and Benediction in Reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will also be available. This is a wonderful opportunity for those Continue Reading →