Mass Schedule


Baptisms are on Sundays at noon. Please contact the office ( or 203.775.5117, x212) for information and for the schedule.

Sponsors/Godparents: non-parishioners need a sponsor certificate from their parish stating they are registered and attend church regularly and have received the sacraments of baptism, communion, and confirmation and (if married) is in a valid Catholic marriage.



Plan your wedding with a call to the clergy at least 6 months prior to your wedding date. Be sure the wedding date and time are set before other commitments are arranged.


Anointing of the Sick

Call the parish office to arrange an Anointing.



Call the parish office to arrange a funeral or Mass of Remembrance. Masses will be scheduled Monday through Saturday based on church availability, mainly in the mornings. Be sure the date and time are set before other commitments are arranged.